Time is flying and we are at the halfway mark with Baby Graham's arrival. This is a BIG week, as we find out the sex on Tuesday morning. We are both so anxious.
Fall is in the air in Denver, and it is beautiful. We've had temps in the low 70s/high 60s and crisp, clear mornings. Saturday morning I took a long walk around the reservoir then had my friend Heather and her baby Colin over for breakfast. Colin is a BIG boy, weighing 22 lbs at only 5 1/2 months.
Sunday morning we were up at 6am to get downtown for the Race for the Cure. We joined 63,000 other walkers and runners for a glorious morning walk around downtown Denver. We hit Cheesecake Factory for brunch. YUM!
After two weekends at home, we'll be heading to Eads this next weekend and will have the fam up the following weekend. Updates to come on Baby Graham Boy or Girl!